Our soils store a lot of Carbon, far more than what is there in the atmosphere. Since industrialization and large spread farming we have moved a lot of this carbon from the soil into the atmosphere.

By increasing the Soil Organic Content (SOC) we are moving the C from the atmosphere back into the soil.



Soil Carbon and the Global Carbon Cycle

Total C in terrestrial ecosystems (3160 GT) = Soil Carbon 80% (2500 GT) + Plant & Animal (560 GT)

Soil Carbon = Organic (1550 GT) + inorganic carbon (950 GT)

Atmospheric Carbon = 800 GT

Ocean carbon = 38,400 GT (mostly Inorganic)

Total Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems

Total Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems


CO2 Emissions Due to Energy and Industry 2021 : 36.3 GT ⇒ 11 GT ( CO2 * 14/46 ⇒ C)

CO2 Emissions from Transport Industry : 7.2 GT

[CO2 Emission for Each Car per year](https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typical-passenger-vehicle#:~:text=typical passenger vehicle%3F-,A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of,around 11%2C500 miles per year.) = 4.6 T of CO2 ⇒ 1.4 T of C

CO2 Emission for Each Indian Household per year = 0.56 T of CO2 ⇒ 0.17 T of C

Soil Carbon

SOC per acre (T/acre) = (soil organic carbon %) x (mass of soil in a given volume)

Soil with a SOC of 1.0% (0.01) and a bulk density of 1.2 g per cubic cm, would have SOC to a depth of 30 cm (0.3 m) per acre (4000 m2) of: (0.01) x (1.2 x 0.3 x 4000) = 14.4 T/acre.

Every Acre of Soil with 1% SOC = 14.4 T of Carbon (Approximately)

For 250 Ac 1% of SOC increase ⇒ 3600 T of Carbon

FarmChakra Impact


By increasing SOC by 0.5% for 1 Acre ⇒ 7.2 tons of Carbon Sequestered into the soil ⇒ 42 Houses